Cedar Siding Repair in Columbus, Cincinnati & Dayton, Ohio

“My husband and I were both immensely appreciative of their courtesy, respectfulness, and timeliness. Also, the cedar work was stellar. Without a doubt, a 5-star recommendation.” - Shannon

Our Services

Servicing Columbus, Cincinnati and Dayton! Our business sees everything from cedar repair on existing structures, new cedar additions, decorative projects and so much more. We take pride in every job - big or small. Click on each picture below to read more about our process, or see our full portfolio here.

Cedar Shakes & Shingles

Windows & Doors

Exterior Painting & Staining

Cedar Siding

Historic Home Repair

Our Services

Servicing Columbus, Cincinnati and Dayton! Our business sees everything from cedar repair on existing structures, new cedar additions, decorative projects and so much more. We take pride in every job - big or small. Click on each picture below to read more about our process, or see our full portfolio here.

Cedar Shakes & Shingles

Cedar Siding

Windows & Doors

Historic Home Repair

How can we help?

We’re always looking for new opportunities!

Please get in touch and one of our project managers will contact you about beginning your project.